Only pull the information that you need
with full traceability and transparency to SEC filings

FlashSEC gathers the filing information to save you time and energy on over 7,800 listed companies.

FlashSEC's proprietary algorithms filter through all the noise and delivers you the data you need in a flash.

FlashSEC visualizes the data from relevant filings on up to 20 tickers at a time from your watchlist.
No more CTRL-F through SEC filings
Tools we provide
Receive the information you need from SEC filings to enhance your trading research

Company Search
Get dilution activity, share offering, share structure information, and cash status in neatly displayed tables.

Live Feed
Get real-time updates of new filing drops, and receive email alerts for companies in your watchlist.

Get up to speed on relevant filing and dilution terms. Access our increasing knowledge base of blog posts.

Get programmatic access to data as JSON format. Integration into analysis workflows and trading algos.